heeyyy lol enjoy my blog!!!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kyle and Leah: The Lost Dog

"Maxie!!!! Come Here!!!" Leah exclaimed to the brown and black german shepherd. As Maxie came towards the treat Leah held out in her hand, Leah's older brother Kyle, came over petting Maxie on her back. "Hey Kyle!!"
    Hi Leah." Kyle responded. Leah looked around curiously with a thinking expression written on her face. "Have you ever thought of how Claudia has many things to do when she gets home?" Leah quried. :Yeah, it seems fustrating to do that many things. Especially right after a couple boring hours in that college."  "Maybe we should be agood little brother and sister and do something fantastic for Claudia! Look at it this way, there's blue skies, nice weather, and the sun is out and you hardly see that during this time in April." After a while of processing what his sister just told him, Kyle shouted, " We CAN MAYBE WALK MAXIE FOR CLAUDIA!!!" When Kyle was done saying that, Leah looked relieved to see that her brother finally caught up and understood what Leah had been meaning for him to say. "I'll get the leash for the dog!!" Yelled Kyle as he began running into the kitchen looking for Maxie's leash. In a nano second, Kyle raced out the house with the purple lease that glowed magnificently in the shining sunlight. Leah took the leash from Kyle's hand and attached it onto the matching purple collar that was around Maxie's neck.
       As soon as they got out of the backyard and got to the park, Kyle and Leah heard a rumble in their stomachs. They were unaware of what they heard, but they knew that they were hungry. Without realizing, at the same time, Kyle and Leah let go of the leash and Maxie ran off away from Kyle and Leah!! When Kyle and Leah got within a distance to catch Maxie, Maxie darted off and soon after, Kyle and Leah began to feel out of breath.
      They then Knew Maxie was nowhere to be found after looking for two whole hours all over the park. So, they began looking for Maxie outside of the park and around the neighborhood. With Maxie to be found no where in sight, the began to lose hope in themselves.... All of sudden they heard someones familiar voice call out to them.
    "Hey you guys missing something?" Asked Leah and Kyle's older sister Claudia. Oh no!!! We are doomed!! thought Kyle and Leah. Instead of getting yelled at, Leah told the story and their sister understood because that once happend to her. "Thanks you guys for helping me out. Maybe next time you guys can do something easy like wash the dishes or clean  my room." Explained Claudia. They began laughing to ease the mood and happy that they knew everything was now going to be okay with Maxie found, by their sides. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011


In your life, you face battles that you feel would be so difficult, so remarkable to be defeated, impossible to ever be accomplished but sometimes, you do lose those battles but at least you lean from those corruptions and mistakes. And you try to improve. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." (Japenese Proverb). This quote should inspire people to never give up and always go for the long run.
      This reminds me of when I was learning how to ride a two wheeler with no  training wheels and I wound up falling of my bike. It was a very inscrusating pain but I new that in order to learn, this stuff was going to happen. As I got up, i had a cut but I new that couldn't stop me. I continued riding my bike and meanwhile, as I had the cut, I knew from that point on that I shouldn't do what I just tried to do. From that point on, I learned from my mistake and fixed it by correcting myself on what I should do while riding my bike.
      This also relates to the situation in Tokyo Japan. On March 11th, 2011 there was a tsnumai and a 9.0 magnitute eathquake. The Japense all suffered in horrible ways. Mostly, death, horror, and not to mention inhaling the stentch of the nuclear power plant that had leaked from all the mess. The Japenese might have gone through the most terriblest time ever but now they stand together and tries to fix this. They stand up together, and are trying to make the enviroment around them much better then how it is right now.
     Through everything, you learn from the mistakes you have made, or the bad times. During those healing times, you gain more knowledge and you, you become a bigger person, and you gain wisdom.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Locker Searches

Today, I have been informed that the Edison School Board is trying to have Random locker searches. I agree with this descion because it will help in 3 ways. These ways are if someone is carrying around drugs, the adminastrators or police will seek these drugs and have them disposed immeadiatly. Not only will this help the school, but this will help the student as well. This is so, because the student will have to go to another school to clean up he/she act and attitude.
           This will help because if there is a weapon in the locker, same with drugs, it can be disposed and the school will be safe because there will be no harm or violence. Also, with no violence, there maybe can be a decrease in the death toll rate.Lastly, this can help because by the adminastators finding these drugs or weapons, the students who has possetion of those weapons will no longer have them and they can do no harm to themselves. Such as, commit suicide or have a drug overdose.
        Overall, the Board of Education should have this act come into play because it will benefit in many ways.