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Thursday, April 14, 2011


In your life, you face battles that you feel would be so difficult, so remarkable to be defeated, impossible to ever be accomplished but sometimes, you do lose those battles but at least you lean from those corruptions and mistakes. And you try to improve. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." (Japenese Proverb). This quote should inspire people to never give up and always go for the long run.
      This reminds me of when I was learning how to ride a two wheeler with no  training wheels and I wound up falling of my bike. It was a very inscrusating pain but I new that in order to learn, this stuff was going to happen. As I got up, i had a cut but I new that couldn't stop me. I continued riding my bike and meanwhile, as I had the cut, I knew from that point on that I shouldn't do what I just tried to do. From that point on, I learned from my mistake and fixed it by correcting myself on what I should do while riding my bike.
      This also relates to the situation in Tokyo Japan. On March 11th, 2011 there was a tsnumai and a 9.0 magnitute eathquake. The Japense all suffered in horrible ways. Mostly, death, horror, and not to mention inhaling the stentch of the nuclear power plant that had leaked from all the mess. The Japenese might have gone through the most terriblest time ever but now they stand together and tries to fix this. They stand up together, and are trying to make the enviroment around them much better then how it is right now.
     Through everything, you learn from the mistakes you have made, or the bad times. During those healing times, you gain more knowledge and you, you become a bigger person, and you gain wisdom.

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